university police
Free parking? Or is it a fine?
You’ll find lots of parking options around campus. Green lines, A spots, parking meters, and garages—if you’ve never been to our campus, it can be confusing to know where you should park. Take a look at this page so that you know where you can (and can’t) leave your vehicle.
Looking to register your bike? Want to buy a parking permit? You can also find that info here.

Bicycle Registration Form

Employee Parking Permit

Parking Appeals Form
What to know about parking on campus.
Learn the rules about parking on campus so that your ride home doesn’t start with a surprise.
The following definitions and regulations are adopted pursuant to the authority conferred by the laws of the State of Indiana upon the Boards of Trustees of Purdue im体育.
The respective boards of trustees deem it necessary and desirable to make and enforce these regulations for the safety and welfare of students, faculty, staff, and visitors in protection of property and the safe operation of the Purdue Fort Wayne campus.
Know that im体育 Police officers are empowered to enforce state laws and campus regulations under the supervision of the vice chancellor for financial and administrative affairs.
Parked vehicle: A motor vehicle with no licensed driver at the wheel
Permit: A parking placard issued by im体育 Police or its designees
Restricted hours: When classes are in session (between 7 a.m. and 11 p.m., Monday through Saturday, and between 10 a.m. and 11 p.m. on Sunday); during restricted hours, you must display a valid permit to park in designated parking area A (for employees) or handicapped parking areas; you must place coins in parking meters during these hours
Vehicle: Any propelled device with two or more wheels
Visitor: A person who is neither a student nor a staff member, including people attending meetings or conferences
We require vehicle registration on an annual basis—on or before the first day of classes—for anyone wishing to park in an A lot, or for those requiring a disabled parking permit. We will ticket all vehicles without a permit that are parked in these two areas. If you are a staff or faculty member, you must obtain a parking permit.
You must attach your registration permit rearview mirror post, with the permit number visible from the vehicle front. You should display only a current permit—registration is effective when approved by im体育 Police. Your permit is the property of Purdue Fort Wayne and is for your use only.
You may park in an A lot during restricted hours only if you have a staff permit. You will not need a permit to park in a B lot. The first levels of the parking garages are designated as A until 5 p.m., but AB thereafter. The remaining levels of the garage are considered B lots, and you do not need a permit to park in these areas.
You may obtain a special and temporary parking permit from im体育 Police when extenuating circumstances exist. If you arrive on campus and realize you do not have your permit, you may pick up a temporary permit at im体育 Police. All vehicles parked in restricted A lots or disabled spaces must display valid permits to avoid parking tickets.
You must obtain authorization from im体育 Police to leave a vehicle on campus overnight. We will consider unauthorized vehicles left on campus for 72 hours abandoned, and will have them removed. If you have an accumulation of unpaid fines or improper parking, this will also provide us cause for towing your vehicle, at your expense. Dock parking is only for loading and unloading vehicles. If you need to use the dock for more than 15 minutes, you must obtain authorization from im体育 Police.
If you have a motorcycle, you may park it in a vehicle stall or on a motorcycle pad.
You must park your vehicles between painted stall lines or in front of the bumper blocks that indicate an individual parking space.
The Purdue Extension Office's parking lot is for clients only. It is not for use by the campus community.
- All state and local regulations, including signs, signals, markings, and other traffic-control devices must be obeyed.
- A speed of more than 20 mph is prohibited, unless otherwise posted.
- In parking lots, the maximum speed is 15 mph.
- Parking is never permitted within 15 feet of a fire hydrant or in designated fire lanes.
- Parking on grass will be cause for a ticket (and the violator will be responsible for damages).
- Pedestrians have the right of way in all crosswalks.
- If a pedestrian enters or is about to enter a marked crossing, approaching vehicles must stop while the pedestrian is in the crossing.
- All traffic accidents that occur on campus must be reported immediately.
- All bicycles must be parked in bicycle racks.
- Bicycles chained to trees or signs or taken inside buildings may be impounded.
Violations and Fines
How much will I owe?
Type of Violation | Fine |
Failure to display permit in A lot | $5 |
Meter | $15 |
Dock area or posted zones | $25 |
Skateboarding or rollerblading fine | $25 |
Traffic lane or yellow curb | $25 |
Unauthorized lot | $25 |
Displaying a lost, stolen, or counterfeit permit | $50 |
Fire lane or hydrant | $50 |
Moving violation | $60 |
Handicapped parking only | $100 |